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суббота, 10 сентября 2011 г.

Не все обитатели страны ароматов

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Tualetnaja-voda-Gucci-Zavistjeto-tozhe-horosho-1Говорят, зависть бессмертна. Зависть всесильна. В этом она идет наравне с красотой. Если Вы готовы к тому, что Вам позавидуют – вперед.

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пятница, 9 сентября 2011 г.

Какие категории и классы парфюмерии существуют?

"Созвездие ароматов", обычно, проходящем в Москве при поддержке сети магазинов "Арбат Престиж" и Союза дизайнеров России, Данная категория характеризуется не только своей престижностью, но и более частым появлением новинок парфюмерии, созданных представленный на выставке-конкурсе парфюм обычно распределяется по следующим категориям: научным Цены на категорию "миддл-маркет" всегда выше, чем на "масс-маркет" разработкам. При разработке таких духов используются суперсовременные технологии или волос, но и для ухода за кожей. и дорогостоящие ингредиенты. Высокая или очень высокая цена.основных типов кожи (сухая, жирная, нормальная) Косметика, как правило, продается вместе с аппликаторами, кисточками и другими приспособлениями для нанесения. Основной особенностью косметики класса "люкс" является цена. Даже самые простые средства для ежедневного ухода стоят в 3-4 раза дороже, чем те же самые средства "масс-маркет". Другой отличительной чертой косметики класса "люкс" является присутствие селективных линий косметических средств, предназначенных для определенных состояний кожи или волос. Средний класс – парфюмерия еврозападного производства, такая как парфюмерно-косметические линии для мужчин - Tabac Original и Culture by Tabac. В 1992 г. была создана женская марка Betty Barclay, сегодня известно две ее парфюмерные линии Betty Barclay Woman и Betty Barclay Woman № 2. В 1999 г. парфюмерия Betty Barclay Woman и Culture by Tabac получили премию FiFi как лучшие женский и мужской ароматы года в своем секторе. Примерная розничная стоимость парфюмерии этого класса не более 8 - 30 у.е.

среда, 7 сентября 2011 г.

Топ новых зимних ароматов

2010-й был особым годом: по всему миру прошел затаенный вздох облегчения после глобального финансового кризиса. Парфюмеры не остались в стороне от общих настроений и создали ароматы, которые символизировали любовь и радость бытия — основные человеческие инстинкты.

Мы выбрали ароматы уходящего года, которые обещают оставить действительно длинный шлейф и стать некими символами эпохи. Встречайте — пятерка парфюмерных антидепрессантов, ароматов — предвестников счастья!

вторник, 6 сентября 2011 г.



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понедельник, 29 августа 2011 г.


Композиции селективной парфюмерии могут быть принципиально разными: от авангардных концептуальных творений до ароматов ретро-стиля, напоминающих духи начала XX века. Но все они укладываются в рамки традиций, являясь частично порождением оных.
В создании селективной парфюмерии, как, впрочем, и всегда, первое место заслуженно занимает Франция, которая славится сложными и богатыми композициями. Хотя не слишком отстают от неё и более упрощённые творения парфюмеров Англии, Италии и Японии.

Говоря об именной селективной парфюмерии, стоит вспомнить о "семейных" парфюмах Annick Goutal. Бывшая модель создавала духи, руководствуясь своими чувствами к членам семьи: Passion - духи, посвящённые первому мужу, Grand Amour - второму, Eau de Charlotte и Eau de Camille - духи для падчерицы и дочери.
Селективная парфюмерия - это в первую очередь не торговля, но искусство. Парфюмеры не ориентируются на потребителей в своей попытке создать нечто новое, они просто творят, а уже после создания парфюма интересуются вопросом, купят ли его... Как однажды жаловался теперь создатель селективной парфюмерии, а ранее - главный парфюмер компании Shiseido Серж Лютенс,
он был слишком робок, не сумев настоять на выборе собственных компонентов для духов, а на все его оригинальные предложения он получал отказ руководства. Зато в селективной парфюмерии он нашёл себя. И неудивительно: в ней нет преград и предела фантазии; и не существует ни банальных ингредиентов, ни неуместных ароматов.
Но среди селективных парфюмов также есть свои категории. В частности, особым авторитетом пользуются бренды, названные именами создателей. Таковы - известные Creed, Penhaligon`s, E.Coudray... Так называемые "именные духи" всегда обладают своей историей - часто ненастоящей, но красивой и фантастической. Так, историческая аутентичность парфюмерных традиций Creed пока не нашла подтверждения в архивах, тогда как английские традиции Penhaligon`s не вызывают никаких сомнений в своём происхождении от Генри Пенхалиона - поставщика парфюмерии к английскому королевскому двору. Именно у Penhaligon`s лучше всего знают о парфюмерных вкусах принцессы Дианы, Стинга и Розенбаума... Как и о вкусах многих менее популярных личностей.

понедельник, 13 июня 2011 г.

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Akerlof and Shiller reassert the necessity of an active government role in economic policymaking by recovering the idea of animal spirits, a term John Maynard Keynes used to describe the gloom and despondence that led to the Great Depression and the changing psychology that accompanied recovery. Like Keynes, Akerlof and Shiller know that managing these animal spirits requires the steady hand of government--simply allowing markets to work won't do it. In rebuilding the case for a more robust, behaviorally informed Keynesianism, they detail the most pervasive effects of animal spirits in contemporary economic life--such as confidence, fear, bad faith, corruption, a concern for fairness, and the stories we tell ourselves about our economic fortunes--and show how Reaganomics, Thatcherism, and the rational expectations revolution failed to account for them.
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Google will launch its digital bookstore in the U.S. by the end of the year and internationally in the first quarter of 2011, according to the Wall Street Journal. Dubbed Google Editions, the new venture will take a different approach to book selling than most of its competitors, including Amazon’s Kindle or Apple’s iBookstore. Instead of relying on a single, centralized store, Google will let users buy books either from Google or multiple online retailers, such as independent bookstores, and add them to an online library tied to a Google account.

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Many details of Google's ebook project remain unknown, including who is onboard and what percentage of revenue they will share with the search engine giant. Other relevant information for publishers can be found at the "Getting started with Google Editions" page, including pricing conditions, the option to offer a discounted bundle of paper and electronic versions, and choose whether to apply Adobe-provided DRM controls on downloaded ebooks.

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27. Ebooks defeat attempts at censorship. All these works were banned: Analects by Confucius. Lysistrata by Aristophanes. Ars Amorata by Ovid. Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio by John Milton. The Scarlet Letter by Hawthorne. Wonder Stories by H.C. Andersen. Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman. The Kreutzer Sonata by Leo Tolstoy. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. Ulysses by James Joyce. ... Many of these books were confiscated, burned, or denied availability in libraries, bookstores and schools. Ebooks guarantee that readers maintain their right to read.
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Internet search engine giant Google have their fingers in a lot of pies and later on this year they’re going to be dipping into the ebook market with their own online ebook store the company announced yesterday.

Google like to spread their stuff to as wide an audience as possible so their bookstore won’t be linked to a particular gadget in the way that Amazon and Apple has done.

“It is a different approach to what most readers today have and the vision is to be able to access books in a device agnostic way,” said Google spokesperson Gabriel Sticker.

Google Editions, as their new service will be called, will enable users to read books via a web browser and not just through the Kindle or another eReader which means we can read the books on any gadget we want.
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According to the Wall Street Journal, Google may decide in the future to build software to optimise reading on devices such as the iPhone or iPad.

They also report that book retailers could sell Google Editions via their own website and share the revenue with Google although the retailers will keep most of it.

Google currently has over 12 million books scanned and therefore has a massive collection to browse through.

So what does this mean for the likes of the Amazon Kindle or the Nook or even the iPad as people won’t need to buy a separate device to read the eBooks and this could negatively impact their sales.

Mr Whit Andrews, a senior vice president of research for Gartner told the BBC that “No company or industry can see this Google entry as trivial. Anytime Google goes into business in your bailiwick you had better be ready for a fierce battle”.

According to Credit Suisse, any negative impact that Google Editions might have on Amazon will be softened by a rise in ebook sales anyway over the next few years.

At the moment we don’t know how Google plan to price books through Google Editions and we don’t have an exact date for the launch.

Google have also had major legal hassles about putting millions of out of print books online and a ruling is expected soon but whatever is decided it won’t affect Google Editions.

“Plans for Google Editions will happen independent of whatever the settlement agreement is” Stricker told the BBC.
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Ann Arbor-baed Borders Group Inc. (NYSE:BGP) announced the launch of the Borders branded e-book store, powered by global eReading service Kobo. Borders’ goal is to secure a 17 percent share of the e-book market by July 2011.

Borders’ e-book store launches with more than 1.5 million titles, including thousands of free titles, available in a variety of formats, including ePub, mobile and PDF. The store launch follows the successful introduction of the Borders iPhone and iPad apps, powered by Kobo, as well as the introduction of the Kobo eReader and Aluratek Libre eReader on Borders.com. Both devices, which are priced at less than $150, have surpassed sales expectations.

To provide additional value around its digital offerings, the retailer will offer its Borders Rewards loyalty program members with benefits ranging from special gift cards and free shipping on certain items, to exclusive offers on popular digital series, double Borders Bucks incentives on the purchase of eReaders, as well as other valuable offers. More than 38 million members have signed up for the Rewards program since it launched in 2006.

“The race to emerge as a retail leader within the digital category is just starting,” said Borders CEO Mike Edwards. “During the past several months, we’ve been carefully crafting a digital strategy, one that has great content and a device-neutral philosophy backed by the Borders brand as its cornerstones. We believe we are very well positioned to come out strong and to ultimately claim about a 17 percent eBook market share by this time next year.”

According to Borders’ consumer research, convenience, choice, content and quality hardware rank at the top of the attributes readers look for in an ideal digital bookstore experience. The launch of the company’s eBook store will be complemented by its strong in-store digital presence through its upcoming Area-e sections, where customers will be able to try out a number of e-reading devices before making a purchase. Area-e sections, which will be in virtually all Borders stores by early September, will be staffed by knowledgeable associates, who will demo products and answer customers’ questions.

Research further shows that eReaders priced below $200 are likely to be the most gifted items this holiday season. The Kobo eReader ($149), which also comes with 100 free titles, and the Libre eBook Reader Pro ($119), both of which are priced to fit most budgets, position Borders for strong consumer adoption and market penetration. The Kobo eReader is currently available in select Borders stores and can be ordered on Borders.com anytime. The Libre eBook Reader Pro can also be ordered on Borders.com.

The company also announced it is making available to consumers BlackBerry and Android e-reading applications, also powered by Kobo. Now customers can enjoy the free, easy-to-use eBook reading applications on the BlackBerry Curve, the new BlackBerry Tour 9630 and the BlackBerry Bold, as well as Android devices. These apps enable users to quickly and easily browse and buy e-books; search by title, author, topic, or keyword; access their e-book library;
Google is all set to venture into the lucrative ebook market with the launch of its own Google Editions e-book store.
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The platform will be released in the US by the end of this year with an international roll-out planned during the first quarter of 2011.

Google Editions will allow users to purchase ebooks and access them from a range of ebook readers without restricting them to one single device.

Google will also allow retailers and book sellers to embed the Google Editions store on their websites in order to sell books.

No details about the revenue sharing model between Google and retailers have emerged.
To reach its goal, Borders will be battling the head start of rivals Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Apple. In addition, Google is expected to enter the e-book business later this year.

Borders' arsenal includes 10 million unique visitors a month to Borders.com and the email addresses of more than 38 million members of its rewards program. In addition, Borders offers two e-readers, the Kobo eReader and the Aluratek Libre eReader. Both devices sell for about $150 and Borders claims they have surpassed sales expectations. The company has not released actual numbers.

Like its competitors, Borders is also offering a mobile application to download e-books on a variety of devices. Borders has released an e-reader app for the Apple iPhone and iPad and announced Wednesday the release of an app for Research In Motion's BlackBerry and mobile phones running Google's Android operating system.
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Borders also plans to leverage its physical bookstores in promoting its e-book business. The company plans to set up "Area-e" sections in all stores by early September, and staff the sections with salespeople who will demo products and answer customers' questions.

Driving Borders and competitors into the e-book business is soaring sales. The Association of American Publishers says e-book sales jumped 127.4% in April from the same month a year ago to $27.4 million. Sales for the first four months of this year are up 217.3% from the same period a year ago.

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Sony will release the two Readers on December 10 and hopes to ship some 300,000 units by the same date next year. If all goes as planned Sony should secure for itself 50% of the Japanese market which, according to the company's Senior Vice President Fujio Noguchi, has the potential to free ebooks to download
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DRM is used by publishers to restrict what you can do with your ebooks. DRM controls which devices you can use to read your ebook, and stops you converting your ebooks from one format to another.

DRM makes buying and using ebooks harder. When you first start using ebooks, you might not notice the restrictions very much. But the restrictions are there.

There are several different DRM schemes. Ebooks with one DRM scheme can’t be read on a device that uses a different DRM scheme. Some DRM schemes limit ebooks to one device only, so if you want to read that ebook on a different device, it’s necessary to download the ebook again. Others require new devices to be authorised by a central server on the Internet.

When you want to use a different ebook reader, or if the supplier stops supporting the ebooks you’ve bought, you may lose access to your DRMed ebooks.

So to be able to read your ebooks on all the devices you have now, and to be sure that you will still be able to read your ebooks in the future, you will want to remove the DRM.

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diesel ebooks to use these tools only to gain full access to ebooks they have bought themselves. Dedrmed ebooks should not be uploaded to open servers, torrents, or other methods of mass distribution. No help will be given to people doing such things, and no links to such books should be posted here. Authors, Publishers and Ebook retailers all need to earn money to be able to carry on making great ebooks available.

Calibre Plugins: The simplest option for removing DRM

0. You must already be able read your ebooks, either on your computer or on your ebook reader. (Kindle, nook, etc.) If you cannot read your ebooks on your computer or on your ebook reader, you won’t be able to remove the DRM. Contact your ebook retailer and sort out any problems reading your ebooks before trying to remove the DRM.
1. Download and install calibre for your Operating System.
2. Download the latest combined tools package, and unzip it. (On Windows, right-click and “Extract All…”)
3. Run calibre. Click Preferences. Click Plug-ins.
4. Click on the large “Add a new plugin” button
5. Navigate to the tools folder unzipped in step 2
6. Open the Calibre_Plugins folder
7. Select one of the zip files in that folder
8. Click on Add (or the button may say “Open”)
9. Click on the “Yes” button in the warning dialog that appears. A Confirmation dialog appears that the plug-in has been installed.
10. Repeat steps 4 to 9 for every zip file in the Calibre_Plugins folder (five at present).
11. You must now configure the plugins. Which plugins need configuring, and the information you need to enter depends on what kind of ebooks you have. If your ebooks don’t match the description at the start of any of the following items, ignore it and move on to the next.

To configure a plugin, you must find it in the list of plugins. All the DRM removal plugins are in the File type plugins section of the Plugins section of the calibre prefereces. Click on the plugin in the list to select it, and then click on the Customize plugin button. In the dialog that then pops up, enter the required information, detailed below.

a. If you have Mobipocket ebooks, where you either entered a PID on the retailer’s web site, or you must read them in Mobipocket Reader, you must enter the PID you entered on the retailer’s web site, or the PID of your installation of Mobipocket Reader into the customisation field of the K4MobiDeDRM plugin. The PID will be ten numbers and letters, with * or $ as the eighth character. If you have more than one PID, enter them separated by commas,
b. If you have Amazon Kindle ebooks that were downloaded to your Kindle, you must enter your Kindle’s serial number into the customisation field of the K4MobiDeDRM plugin. If you have already entered a PID there, add the Kindle serial number as well, separating it from the PID with a comma. Please note: all PIDs and Kindle Serial Numbers are **case-sensitive**.
c. If you have Amazon Kindle ebooks that were downloaded to the copy of Kindle for Mac or Kindle for PC that was installed on this computer, you do not need to add anything extra into the customisation fields.
d. If you have ePub ebooks that can be read in Adobe Digital Editions, you do not need to add anything extra into the customisation fields.
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f. If you have ePub ebooks from Barnes and Noble (e.g. for nook), you must enter your name and full credit card number into the customisation field of the Ignoble Epub DeDRM plugin. The name and credit card number should be the ones set as part of the Credit Card unlock code on your Nook Library page. Separate the name from the number with a comma and do not put any spaces in the card number or around the comma.
g. If you have eReader ebooks from Barnes and Noble, or from, say, Fictionwise, your must enter your name and the last 8 digits of your credit card number into the customisation field of the eReader PDB 2 PML plugin. Again, the name and credit card number must be the ones entered at your ebook retailer’s website as the DRM key/Unlock code.kindle ebook reader
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h. If you have ebooks bought at the Apple iBooks store, it is not currently possible to remove the DRM.
i. If you have Microsoft LIT ebooks, there is no Calibre plugin that can remove the DRM.

12. Now click on the Apply button, and then close the preferences.

You’re now ready to remove the DRM from your ebooks. Just import them into calibre, and the DRM will be removed. The plugins ONLY remove the DRM when the ebooks are imported. If you have already imported your ebooks into calibre, your will need to remove them and import them again.

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